Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, once your student has completed a test online, he or she will be given an option to restart that test. You will have access to the materials for a full 12 months after you purchase, and your child can take the tests multiple times during this period.

Yes! To take advantage of our bulk discount rates, or for information about joining our tutor referral network, please call us at 1-800-280-1857 or send an email to

Test Innovators is now a certified content partner of the Enrollment Management Association (EMA), the company that creates the SSAT! We now offer three full-length practice tests and over 1000 practice exercises created by EMA. If you've purchased a package that contains official practice content from EMA, you'll see certain practice tests and exercises marked with the Official EMA Partner badge. 

For more information, check out our page here or visit EMA's website here